Our destiny was never a place
but a new way to make things better
When we don´t feel comfortable with the "normal life", then maybe because we did not come here to live it and to adapt us, but to change something, to create something new
and to make things better than somebody before
Who are we?
Actually it was this question, which motivated us to our journey. Long before we get to know each other we always where in search of ourselfs. We did not know where to go, where we belong to and why are we here. We never felt comfortable with the "normal life" and we were just looking for something that feels right for us. Powered by something bigger we started to walk without destination, to find what belongs to us. We did not know for what we are looking for, but we knew that we will find it.. someday.
Our names are Andrea (Austrian) and Omar (Mexican). We knew each other in Mexico and althrough our past lifes could not have been more different we found each other in the same inner world. We tramped around central america with a backback and a tent and a lot of animals following us. We went without money by foot, by bicycle and the most time by car stop, sometimes selling and changing self made art.
Fast we noticed, that there is no place in the world , which is far. Just if we travel the same distance in the deep of our inner world.
In our Journey we saw a lot of suffer. There was no place, where we did not share the little food we had with a bony dog on the street. Because we could not help everybody like we wanted, it felt very bad. Everytime there was some dogs following us for a while, but we could not gave them the life the would have deserved.
We saw, how people hit and treat a skinny dog, which just tried to pick up a dirty and old tortilla from the ground. And then everybody around loughing. We found puppys in the garbage and kittys threw down in rivers.
Most of the time the only people who helped us to go on were the people who did not have much too.
Experimenting all this suffering during the years of our journey made us understand many things and we were no longer satisfied with finding a home for ourselves, but wanted one for everyone else, who deserve it so much.
We finished our 6-year trip, we managed to get a stay in Austria for Omar, to start working and save for 4 years, and then to start this project. Routine life in europe was never easy, knowing all the things happening at the same time, in other parts of the world.
But understanding what we really wanted led us to the end of our search. We were willing to do whatever it takes to help. Thanks to all the difficult situations, which we have had to live, we have found our personal reason, who we really are and why we are here.
.If you feel yourself lost, it could be because you still havent gone out to find you
Traveling is more than just see, what there is to see
It is the beginning of changing our view to the world
about staying alive with the deep and eternal insight
what "life" really mean