We are happy about your interest. Our Animales, which are waiting for you to be adopt, you will find up in the Register "adopt" when you click at the little arrow "looking for a home"
.... unfortunatly at this moment we are just on the beginning with our project and so threre are no animals for adoption availible. Hopefully we can go on fast and you can choose soon......
How to decide ?
You have decided to adopt and now you ask yourself, which of all could be the chosen one?
The decision question is the most difficult, because all of our animals deserve a family and special and unique attention. In case it is not love at first sight, for the decision we suggest that you read all the stories of our rescued angels. The story, which one moves you the most, could be the chosen one. When you feel a warm feeling and "goose bumps" on your arms - this could be the pet, which from birth is destined to be with you.
We believe that animals are our protective spirits, who came to protect us from bad energy - and teaching us living the moment.
Our sencations are a strong sign of the energy that flows and that sometimes wants to tell us something. Always trust your heart and feeling, which depends on such an important decision.
If you have decided for one or more and are still unsure of the great commitment, you have the opportunity to come to our oasis and stay a few days to live with the animals. We have free lodging and food for all who decide to help in any way.
What you have to do, when you have made your decicion?
First, let us know your decision and tell us a little about yourself and the space and time you have available for your new pet.
Then we make a contract for the welfare of the animal and in case of emergency or problems, it can return to us.
If you are Mexican, the animal is delivered to your home, we keep the copy of your INE. This is important, to ensure that the animal is well and does not end up in the street again.
If you are a foreigner, you must come to visit us, if you cannot fly, send someone you trust. You need to know the person who can take over. If it is not possible, it is required to establish a mutual trust, by video calls, messages, sending photos of you and the future place of the animal.
If everybody agrees, and we realizing that you are a responsible and loving person, we signed the contract and you can take the pet to your home.
Mexican or foreign, the adopter agrees in the adoption contract, to send photos and videos of the animal.
Details and the contract in pdf. we go up soon
All our animals are sterilized, have their basic injections and a local microchip.
Whats about the costs?
The only costs you will have when you adopt, are your approach and departure costs, when you decide to come. We can also oranize to pick you up from the airport. The animals will have all their injections and there vaccination certificate. Probably also a microchip, but if not it can be done also one hour before a flight.
If you don´t wish to visit us and you decide to adopt, we have to chance some deeper conversacions in e mails or telefone. We will ask you to send us fotos of your family, the house, other animals ... Please understand the we have to be sure, that you treat well the animal and that you are a good owner. We love everyone of our foundlings and have a big bound with each other, as we saved his life, we want that he is happy and well cared for the rest of his life and dont have to suffer any more. We can do the contract also by e mail.
Probably we can organice a person that go with the animal in the plain and so it will directly arrives in your airport. But we have to organice well and therefore you have to think about 1- 3 month /depends also of the health of the animal) from the first contact until you will have it in your family.